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Yes to Choice

So Say Yes! Say Yes with passion! Say Yes to learning! Say Yes to changing! Say Yes to love! Say Yes to Jesus! 

How do you even know where to begin? How do you say yes to God, when you don’t know who He is? How do you say yes when you don’t understand religion or Christianity or even faith?

Starting a relationship with Jesus is not about getting all your questions answered right away.  Starting a relationship is the beginning of your decision to open your mind and heart to God and His ways. Faith comes by obedient steps. But make the first one, the initial decision of saying, 

Yes, Jesus, I believe in You. I believe You died on the cross for me.  And I may not understand what faith in You looks like, but I know You love me and have chosen me. Forgive me for the way I’ve messed up. Help me to turn away from my old ways and bad habits. I choose to walk in Your ways instead. Amen.

John 1:12
John 5:24
John 11:25
Mark 12:30-31

If you are a new Christian, write out today’s Scripture verses.  Then think through questions you have about God, jotting those down. You don’t have to have the answers, in time God will give you those. And it will be awesome to look back and see how He has revealed those to you.

If you are a seasoned Christian, take time to reread and write out today’s Scripture. What have you learned about Christ to make these verses have more meaning for you today?

Praise God for giving you your freedom of choice.  Praise Him for choosing you.
Praise Him for having a relationship with you.