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Pray 1.0

Praying to The Great Big God can be intimidating. Convincing yourself to tell Him your thoughts, feelings, and your life details can lead to questions and doubts. Why? Why tell Him if He already knows? Why tell Him when He has other big world problems to deal with, He wouldn’t want to hear about my math test? Why tell him you feel lonely, when your schedule has you so busy with sports, church, school, band, and art lessons? 

Here’s why you tell Him, Psalm 65:2 says, “You hear prayers, all people approach You.” He is The God Who Hears. God proves His character over and over in The Bible. He is a Living and Active God.  He is not sitting on the sidelines. Jeremiah 29:12, “When you call out to Me and come to Me in prayer, I will hear your prayers.”

Look, I don’t know who in your life you like to talk to, maybe sometime you feel like they aren’t listening. Maybe you feel like you get interrupted more often then you get to finish your speaking. Maybe you want to talk, but don’t know where to begin.  Here’s the deal, God said in His Word, He will listen, then He is going to listen.  You don’t need to have words of eloquence or perfection. Your thoughts may tumble all over each other. Goodness, your emotions may spill out in tears and anger and loneliness.  But ya know what, God says He’s listening and He is. Right now, right here. 

Psalm 65:2
Jeremiah 29:12

At the top of your journal entry, write “THE GOD WHO HEARS” and write out today’s verses.

What do you want God to hear today? Spend 3-5 minutes praying out loud, don’t worry you can whisper or go in your closet. By hearing your own voice, you’ll gain more confidence to approach Him!